For Mr. Nawaz Sharif

“Indo-Pak talks not at the cost of self respect and dignity” – Nawaz Sharif.

Yes, Mr. Sharif, we are entirely in agreement. Indo-Pak talks cannot be at the cost of India’s self respect or dignity. The present political dispensation, Mr. Sharif, is Indian, and nationalist. It is not colonial, British or Italian. Its priorities are Indian and will by and by reflect the inclusion that is India. It is not given to making dishonourable peace by selling the nation to murderers across the border and gain approbation of human rights watchers or the Nobel Prize Committee. Indian is not a client nation, Mr. Sharif. The Ancient Indian Heritage encapsulates “pietas, gravitas and simplicitas” by its genetic propensity to righteousness and freedom. Your nation, on the other hand, has no such reality, but every such pretension. “Pakistan” implies “Pure”, or pure-nation. But the world, in its repulsed disgust, calls you “Paki”; and yet illustrates its civilisation and generosity when it refuses, for simple and life embracing reasons, to call you “Fuckistan”. It is the same core freedom and generosity that dignifies even your unspeakable country’s existence with human rights, that you have embarked upon destroying. Yes, Mr. Sharif, your nation is indeed “Pak”. But this “pak” is one composed of pure evil. Your nation is a pit, Mr. Sharif. Take your pick, for there are many words: “snake-pit”, “bear-pit” or “cess-pit”; I think the last suits you best.

And yes, by the way, as to self respect and dignity, we are not on the same page. For all of India’s misaligned priorities and apparent lack of pride, we know that we are the bearers of a great civilisation and containers of an immense, unique heritage; when push comes to shove, we shed that cow dung which sticks between our toes, and behave like the bearers of positive power. You have no heritage and do not represent any civilisation, other than that miasma of anus’ torn by dried scrub bushes for the lack of toilets; you have no self-respect or dignity. You are a murderous bunch of have-not pack-thieves armed to the teeth, who, believing that it has power of the bullet and the bomb, does nothing really, except defecate endlessly on all its surroundings. Like the story of the pimp, which, without employees, whores itself, and then blows out its own brains to prove its “Pak” – well, that is the story of your nation and its national existence.

This is not personal, Mr. Sharif. You might be, in person, the pean of all civilisation. But the dispensation and that poison that you represent, bound by borders into Pakistan, spatters you too, and spares you not from the offering of its blood-red feces. It is a pity to find humans reduced to such, by the acts of their own demonic nation.

To all those who have lost and who hurt for ever after 26/11, we offer you our silence; and a commitment to be at your disposal should you ever need us to hold your hand. And to those of you who believe that peace is the only way forward, do remember, that war is the primary instrument of peace. Do not take my word for it, and do not, for a moment, be lulled into an intellectual security by drawing room discussions surrounded by artefacts of high living, such as expensive books that lie unread and whose only function is to embellish a centre table; look, on the contrary, into history, though that is a tall order, since this is the age of widespread literacy that makes up for a singular and shocking lack of education. No nation endures in peace; no nation has ever averted war through appeasement. A nation’s priorities are not limited to influential opinion holders who reflect their own interests at the cost of nation, state and people. History is greater than individuals and groups. History ultimately derides the “intellectual”. History belongs to him or her who abjures short-term intelligences to embrace long term wisdom. Look to a tiny nation that holds its own, for it is educated and holds its cohesion dear – look to the Children of Israel and their nation-state. Look not for strength and fortitude in blame; or in friendships alone that other powerful nations may bring. Look within yourself and find the strength to understand and accept those threads of life and universal law that either bind, or scatter those that live and die; which converts dust into stars and planets; inflicts life and death at the same time, with evenhanded detachment. Rise, India. Rise, my people.