The Right of Conscience


The Right of Conscience is constituent of the single greatest right that humans bear. It cannot be bequeathed by external sources, be the source as powerful or as all pervasive as it may be. Conscience is representative of Man’s inner spirit. It is the only intangibly tangible proof of Soul that we bear; it is the only evidence of the Higher spark that animates our existences as man and beyond Man; the Right of Conscience is greater than the Right of Life – for the Original Man will give his life to preserve his Conscience.

The Right of Conscience and it’s adherence empowers Man beyond Himself. Just as the mind animates the Brain, so does Conscience animate Man’s Heart. The Heart is Man’s Cross which he must bear; and upon this Cross is nailed Mankind, nailed by the Conscience without which It would fall off It’s Cross and be rendered mortal, while Man, as I know, is immortal. If there wasn’t Conscience, there wouldn’t be the Right of Life or the Need of Living. In these nails repose freedom. In their injury, lies immortality. Conscience is Man’s experience of Himself. Without His Conscience, Man wouldn’t be.

Conscience, as given it’s primordial form, is constituent in nascent, unknowable, inexpressible Faith. Faith, converted by Man to serve socially designed and approved tenets of expression is constituent as Religion. In short, Him, who is composed of Conscience, and yet taken physical incarnation, must bear a physical crutch which bequeaths form unto His Faith and His Belief. Man, beyond Birth, is Light. Man, taken Birth is Form; Form, taken root is a Tree. Vines, strong and green; or hard, dry, intertwine that tree in love, faith and belief. Upon branches of this Primordial Tree hangs red fruits that beckon – alluring fruits formed by Cause and Effect; Fruits that beckon Man in all His longing and His thirst for His unknowable Eden, from whence he was cast out. Karma is our fruit. It is our subsistence. It is what we live for, and die to serve. Yet – all that is manifested here in this time bound world is illusory – for here, even Conscience must serve Karma; and serve those unique perspectives of Consciousness, which we have further divided and formed into Good and into Evil.

Yes, Conscience is that primordial Form – Man’s primary Expression. It is the most potent Force in Man’s Universe. Man’s Dominance reposes in His Experience of Conscience. And yet, Man has created so many Dogmas, that serve to seek Dominance over Conscience. As Man does so, he kills his Conscience; and His spirit takes leave, sentencing man to a living, lifeless death. Man uses Religion to tame His Conscience. Conscience dies not, but Mankind ceases; choked by it’s own Dogma, with which it once set out to place the noose of death upon Conscience.


Man is not a Sinner. Man commits no crime other than what he is guided to commit. To Man, a keeper of life, the act of killing an ant is crime. Yet, Mankind lives by Sin, for It’s Religions keep It’s Conscience; Religion dominates Conscience and points Man to acts that belie his Conscience and betray His Soul; Man surrender His COnscience to Religion for safekeeping – and this, the primary Sin. Man is not a Sinner. But he lives by Religion – which is Man’s Machine for constructing Sins – sins in unending streams; sins manufactured coldly on order of Religion, so man may kill the Sons of Man, destroying the very incarnate Conscience that Manifests as a Mark of Divine upon Manifested Realms – physical, mental, emotional and etheric worlds.

We live by sin, yes. For sin is what we are taught from our earliest childhood. Sin is what we are told to grasp, because sin is marked for us as forbidden temptation. Sin is what we are told to commit by every injunction against sin, for man, in seeking the Higher, will sin, when He tears asunder those chains of that bind him; those chains that bind his thought. Sin is what we think, for it is taught unto us, on what to think. We think that which is deeply sinful, for all we think is bound by the original sin of the imposition of guilt – for is all we do, as we are told, are we sinners. We will remain sinners till He comes unto us and lifts the pall of Sin, by lifting the very idea of Sin that is engraved so deeply in our minds and our modes of living; in our beliefs, in our values and within the deepest recesses of our ethics. We sin, for we uphold tenets that declare us sinners, and points us towards way of sin. Our ways make sinners of us that need redemption. This is how Conscience is degraded by Dogma. This is why we need Religion – for Religion perpetuates this unending cycle of Sin unto which man yields without question, for Religion sanctions it. It is time to rip to shred all religious stipulations that turns us into sinners. It is time to break out of the fabric of such intricate sins that forms the basis for our ethics, morals and our religions; our rituals, our dogma; all our lower material guidelines, which, in guise of spiritualism, degrade Man’s Spirit. Man is Holy. Man is Conscience. That which claims to guide individual and collective conscience is by itself the foundation upon which sins of horror are committed; upon which is born every act, thought, temptation, experience and dogma of terror. Let us rid ourselves of Sin. Let us reclaim our conscience. Let us be free. Let us be free!


Religion has hijacked Man’s primordial connection with Spirit. The Spirit is Holy. Man’s need for realising His own holiness is constrained by His Consciousness. Where the lower, physical consciousness perceives Boundaries composed of Conscience, it declares such boundaries to be unholy. Boundaries exist not in Supreme Consciousness. All Boundaries are made by Man in his experience of the lower; for where there is Belief, therein is subjugation of Consciousness. That which is Conscious, when given shape, form, identity and Dogma, is limited; is merely a formed shadow of itself; yes, it is a shadow, but of Light. Realise that shadow. Realise the Self. The Self is beyond Religion or Religious truth – truth, that is bound in shape and form, and crystallised into Dogma is not truth at all, but an opinion evolved to enforce Mankind’s subjugation of It’s own Consciousness; it’s own Conscience.

Man is victim to his own need for Religion. Look not for Satan without, for Satan is within. Satan rules in the name of all that is purportedly Holy. Satan rules in the name of Religion. Religion is a demonic imposition upon pristine particles of light; Religion binds that which cannot be bound. It corrupts that which is incorruptible. It debases Love. It destroys Compassion. It diminishes Mercy. Religion comforts our deepest pains which it first inflicts; and thereby, it holds followers in thrall. See beyond Religion, and you will find that pain is perception; it exists not, for it is an illusion. The worst pains have no meaning, when Conscience is freed; when Consciousness is permitted to expand. When All is One and One is All. Warriors rise who fight religion in the name of their Faith, for their faith lays in what is Just, Rational and rooted in Knowledge. Yet, Man, in His self affected liberation, embraces the snake in Eden, and declares warriors of knowledge heretics or bigots.

And Man upholds Religion with fervour. And in such fervour does Man Sin. In that passion of fervour, gripped with righteousness justified by Religion and Dogma, does Man exterminate Life – for it is said in Religion, that he who exterminates in Religion’s defense, is guaranteed the Kingdom of Heaven. But there is no Heaven. Nor is there Hell. There is only Supreme Consciousness. And we are It, in all our myriad forms; from all our unending perspectives. Let us unify. Let there be Light. Let love flow. Let us cease walking the rim of chaos. Let us learn to love again. Love knows no form. Love is not resident in Dogma. All Dogma vanishes where there is Love.


Once there was peace. But that time is so long past that even science recognises it not; science cannot find any trace of that ancient and peaceful world, upon which Man grazed his cattle; travelled the Heavens; embraced Light. Lived in timelessness. In action. In deed. That time is past, for it is now known as mythology. Then came a great flood. Planets collided; and earth’s face was covered in darkness. When the sun shone again, everything had changed. Assurance was denuded of its certainty. Fear replaced knowledge. want replaced contentment. Need replaced happiness. Spirit was replaced by desire. The nobility of living was denuded by the politics of survival. And thus was laid primordial foundations of total war. The world is today at war. Many wars have been fought in the past; Man’s history is of warfare, siege and suffering. Yet, this war is different, for this is a war of extinction, for this war is a war of Faith, versus Religion. Faith is the anchor which holds firm our greatest need for Hope. Religion denies Man hope, for it enjoins man to kill Faith and embrace Dogma. The war has begun. The war will be fought in all aspects of Man’s life; within his home and by his fireside; in utterly desolate battlefields covered in snow, upon which shines not even starlight. Desert sands will be reddened by blood. Cities will crumble. Places of worship will tumble; for such is worship, in which Man suffers God and seeks absolution in Money. The greed for temporal power is all pervasive. This is war is one in which perversions of matter will proliferate. It is a total war of murder, mayhem, destruction. It is the war of heart and soul, whence all waters of the Universe will not quench Man’s thirst for the only fluid upon which Man thrives; for Man thrives on Blood.

In this thirst, in terror of It’s own need, Man has created Religions which serve Death. Sacrifice has been replaced by the want of Greed; for every Man-Made Religion covets followers. Without an iota of spirit, Man-Made Religions desire form. Without realisation of the ethers, they seek matter. They seek followers, for avaricious religion understands the importance of numbers for it’s own survival. Man is victim in His own journey of Choices. Man tolerates Religion, for He has lost His spirit. If he rediscovers His Spirit, Religions will fall. Religions must fight wars then, to survive – and in doing so, Religions will feed upon man without an iota of compassion or kindness which it purports to preach; without an iota of recognition of that Conscience which Religion claims to represent.

There is no war of the righteous. There is only war of extinction. Religion claims righteous power over Man – for religion in truth is nefarious, for it seeks to Own that which cannot be owned – which is Man’s Conscience – the only evidence of Soul.

None of us spoke up. None of us resisted our capture. None of us raised a finger of protest when, sitting in warm drawing rooms, people that wield power, conducted and concluded our total slavery to material. W protected the most degraded, morally corrupt specimens of Mankind, for in our effort to show our respect of Human Right, we tolerated the most unrighteous acts upon innocents – all conducted peacefully and with full moral sanction – by bearers of Religion. Our parents taught us to pray in temples and feed emaciated cows to propitiate Divinity, while the hungry and thirsty were turned away from our doorsteps – we recognised not the Divine which cane to us, seeking redress; seeking answers. Streets flow with blood; we revel in blood sacrifices. We slaughter animals in commemoration of Gods, Prophets, Saints, Seers and Swamis. Our worship is steeped in blood of centuries. In our blood thirst, we bear sin which we can never redeem. We worship the earth by marinating its soil with flesh and blood and urine and feces; our own, mingled with terror stricken animals, which we slaughtered not for our own consumption, but to make happy our inception and ideas of Divinity.

So has Conscience died. We live on – vampire like, awaiting our own nemesis. Yet, there are many things of beauty which we may reclaim. Let us start by reclaiming ourselves. Let us begin by pausing. Let us stop this extinction. Let us stop genocide and mass murder; let us halt justifying it all, as though we were validating the inhuman rights of slaughter. Let us be educated in Humanity. Let us not draw the line at being literate. Education is a state of the highest mind. In it resides the gates to knowledge and higher rationality. We are but literate now, nothing more. we recognise sharp letters of the alphabet – and we use these to stab others.

Let us reclaim our own Right of Conscience. Let us live again. Born free. As free as the wind blows.

Adonai. Oh Ahura.

ܐܠܗܝ ܐܠܗܝ ܠܡܢܐ ܫܒܩܬܢܝ


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